Thursday, September 26, 2013

VLC 2.1 adds 4K Support!

In its latest release, VLC 2.1 gets 4K support. Under highlights, it mentions:
With a new audio core, hardware decoding and encoding, port to mobile platforms, preparation for Ultra-HD video and a special care to support more formats, 2.1 is a major upgrade for VLC.
Under features, it lists: 4K-ready :)

I'm excited! Now we just need more 4K content!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sony's 4K Video Store Live!

Sony's 4K Video Store went live today! However, to access it, you'll need to purchase a a $700 media player (Sony FMP-X1 4K Ultra HD Media Player). It launched with over 70 movies and TV shows and expects that to exceed 100 titles before the end of the year.

Pricing wise, we're seeing TV episodes run for $4, while a movie rental goes for $8. Movie purchases have a rather steep $30 price tag.

The kicker, the media player only works with Sony Ultra HDTVs. Got one of those cheap Seikis? You're SOL. Bummer.


Viral Video fo LG's 84" Ultra HDTV

LG released a viral video showing off how realistic their 84" Ultra HDTV that it convinced interviewees a giant meteor just struck their city.

Real or fake? You decide!

HDMI 2.0 spec is complete

HDMI 2.0 spec is complete and can carry signals up to resolutions of 3840 x 2160 at 60fps, which apparently equates to a bandwidth of 18Gbps.

Compared that to HDMI 1.4, which supports up to 3840 x 2160 at 30fps.

HDMI 2.0 will also support up to 32 audio channels.

What this means is that it can handle UHD4K, but not really UHD8K. We'll probably have to wait for HDMI 3.0 for that, but given that content for 8K won't be commonly available in the short run, we have time.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Would really love to see IllumiRoom come to market:

Something that came out of Microsoft Research that seems to extend beyond the edges of your TV filling your living room with an immersive experience.

4K video recorder now available on a smartphone!

Acer's Liquid S2 is the first smartphone to hit the market that can record 4K videos. It's equiped with a 6" screen, but only has a resolution of 1080p. So in other words, it can record 4K, but it can't really play back 4K content at its full resolution.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Samsung and Sony 4K TVs drop $1000 from price tag

According to The Verge and Twice, both Samsung and Sony have cut $1000 off a couple models of their 4K TVs. The Samsung UN55F9000 55" UHDTV will now cost $4500 and the UN65F900 65" UHDTV will cost $6000. Sony on the other hand has lowered the XBR-55X900A 55" UHDTV to $4000 and XBR-65X900A 65" UHDTV to $5500.

Consumer interest hasn't really been picking up yet for UHDTVs, but that's mainly because there's very little content out there that utilizes the screen. Sony has promised to bring about streamable 4K content, but so far we haven't seen much.

Reviews on these 4 models has ranged from decent to good.

Price wise, they're still a lot more expensive than the incoming Seiki brand (which offers 4K HDTVs for under $2000).